thesis # | Year | Author | Title | Thesis type | University | Link |
128 | 2024 | Alpert, Sam | Using a Novel Chain of Chemical, Crystallographic, and Isotopic Analytical Techniques to Examine the Formation Histories of Features in Chondritic Meteorites and Orbicular Granites | PhD Dissertation | CUNY Graduate Center | |
127 | 2024 | Roig González, Claudia | Detailed Fluid Records from Metamorphic Core Complexes | PhD Dissertation | UW-Madison | |
126 | 2023 | Foley, Michelle | On the Crustal Origin of Felsic Volcanic Rocks from the ChonAike Silicic Large Igneous Province (Patagonia) | PhD Dissertation | University Lausanne - Earth Sciences | |
125 | 2023 | Kattemalavadi, Amartya | Serpentine mineralogy from Fe-Ti Oxide-bearing Ultramafic Intrusions in the Duluth Complex, MN. University of Michigan Honors Thesis. | Undergraduate Thesis | University of Michigan | |
124 | 2023 | Kleinsasser, Jackie M. | Sulfur Content and Speciation in Dacitic Silicate Melts as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity and the Genesis of Fe-Ti Oxide-Bearing Ultramafic Intrusions of the Duluth Complex, MN | PhD Dissertation | University of Michigan | |
123 | 2023 | Klug, Jake | Storage and evolution of Laguna del Maule Rhyolites: new insight from volatile and trace element contents in melt inclusions | PhD Dissertation | UW-Madison | |
122 | 2023 | Li, Yaozhu | Deformation and Evolution of Achondrite Parent Bodies | PhD Dissertation | Western University | |
121 | 2023 | Raia, Natalie H. | Records of fluid-rock interaction in an oceanic subduction complex | PhD Dissertation | University of Minnesota | |
120 | 2023 | Zieman, Lisa | Petrology of modern continental crust formation and recycling in the Northern Andean Arc | PhD Dissertation | University of Arizona | |
119 | 2023 | Zhou, Siyang | Titanium Isotope Fractionation During Multicomponent Diffusion in Molten Basalts | PhD Dissertation | University of Michigan | |
118 | 2022 | Batchelor, Cam | Reconstructing high-resolution paleoclimate for portions of the last 250,000 years from mid-continental, North American speleothems | PhD Dissertation | UW-Madison | |
117 | 2022 | Beno, Carl | Isotopic, Geochemical, and Textural Constraints on the Timing, Duration, and Rates of Infiltration-Driven Contact Metamorphism Surrounding the Alta, Utah Stoc | PhD Dissertation | University of Utah | |
116 | 2022 | Fan, Gaohua | Geological and geochemical constraints on the genesis of the Dongping Au-Te deposit in the North China craton | PhD Dissertation | China University of Geosciences | |
115 | 2022 | Hamelin, Clémentine | Records of Metamorphism and Deformation at Maximum Depth in Gneiss Domes | PhD Dissertation | University of Minnesota | |
114 | 2022 | Jones, Clay | Petrologic, fluid inclusion and stable isotope (oxygen and carbon) studies of geothermal systems in Utah and California | PhD Dissertation | University of Utah | |
113 | 2022 | Leet, Kennie | Conditions of Formation of Magadi-type Cherts from SIMS Oxygen Isotope Microanalysis | PhD Dissertation | SUNY-Binghamton | |
112 | 2022 | Poulaki, Eirini | Petrochronological and Structural Reconstruction of the Life Cycle of Mediterranean-style Subduction zones | PhD Dissertation | University of Texas at Austin | |
111 | 2022 | Sasaki, Kohei | Geochemical and Paleontological constrains on microbial evolution of early Proterozoic Earth | PhD Dissertation | Tohoku University | |
110 | 2022 | Turnier, Rachelle | Views on Corundum Genesis from Zircon Inclusions, SIMS Oxygen Isotope Analyses | PhD Dissertation | UW-Madison | |
109 | 2022 | Walker, Grace C. | Characterization of Rocks from Lanterman Range, Antarctica | Undergraduate Thesis | University of Minnesota | |
108 | 2021 | Fox S | The Contribution of Magmatic Fluids to Ocean Floor Hydrothermal Systems: Metasomatism of the Ancient Troodos Crust. | PhD Dissertation | Ben Gurion University of the Negev | |
107 | 2021 | Hupp, Brittany | Deconvolving climate and biotic signals from taphonomic overprints in deep-sea records of the Paleocene-eocene Thermal Maximum | PhD Dissertation | UW-Madison | |
106 | 2021 | Makovsky K | Mesoproterozoic Basement from the Central and Southern Appalachians Reveal High-Temperature Magmatic Conditions and non-Laurentian Origin of Earth’s Most Zircon Fertile Magmas. | PhD Dissertation | Syracuse University | |
105 | 2021 | Osterhout JT | Studies of Precambrian microfossils and the search for ancient biosignatures on Earth and Mars | PhD Dissertation | University of California, Los Angeles. | |
104 | 2021 | Soares GG | The rise of complexity: Macroscopic Branching Organic Siliceous Structures from the c. 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia. | PhD Dissertation | University of New South Wales Sydney | |
103 | 2021 | Campbell S | Geochronology, Trace Elements, and Spectroscopy | MS Thesis | Brigham Young University | |
102 | 2021 | Martin SG | Structural Evolution of the Reserve Graben, New Mexico, USA: Implications for Late Cenozoic Extension in the Rio Grande Rift-Southern Basin and Range Province. | MS Thesis | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | |
101 | 2021 | Matos J | An in situ ƐHf and ẟ18O Isotopic Study of Zircon of the Mount Osceola and the Conway Granites, White Mountain Batholith, New Hampshire: Deciphering the Petrogenesis of A-type Granites. | MS Thesis | Brigham Young University | |
100 | 2020 | Andico, Solisha | Understanding Continental Margin Growth Through Isotopic Mapping of the Median Batholith, Fiordland, New Zealand | MS Thesis | California State University, Northridge | |
99 | 2020 | Dunham ET | To Be or not to B: Meteoritic implications for the galactic environment of Solar System formation. | PhD Dissertation | Arizona State University | |
98 | 2020 | Parker WG | Holocene Climate Change in the Subtropical Eastern North Atlantic: Integrating High-resolution Sclerochronology and Shell Midden Archaeology in the Canary Islands, Spain. | PhD Dissertation | University of Cincinnati | |
97 | 2020 | Byars B | Petrogenesis of post-glacial basalts from Snaefellsjökull, Iceland. | MS Thesis | University of Iowa | |
96 | 2020 | Little K | Geology and Geochemistry of the 25 Ma Underdown Caldera Tuffs and the Tuff of Clipper Gap, Western Nevada Volcanic Field, north-central Nevada. | MS Thesis | Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada | |
95 | 2019 | Blum T | Grain- to Nano-Scale Reconstructions Of Structure and Chemistry In Ancient Lunar and Terrestrial Zircon. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin - Madison | |
94 | 2019 | del Real Contreras I | Lithological, structural and hydrothermal evolution of the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre Iron Oxide Cu-Au district, Northern Chile. | PhD Dissertation | Cornell University | |
93 | 2019 | Denny A | Carbonate, Silicate, and Sulfide Mineral Diagenetic Histories From the Bakken and Travis Peak Formations by SIMS. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin - Madison | |
92 | 2019 | Graniero LE | Assessing the influence of habitat heterogeneity on stable isotope geochemistry in the Neuse River and it's estuary. | PhD Dissertation | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | |
91 | 2019 | Oye O | Influence of Fluid Pressure and Effective Stress on Quartz Cementation in Clastic Reservoirs. | PhD Dissertation | University of Durham | |
90 | 2019 | Zakharov DO | Triple Oxygen Isotopes in High-Temperature Hydrothermally Altered Rocks: A Record of Paleoclimate and Ancient Hydrosphere-Rock Interactions. | PhD Dissertation | University of Oregon | |
89 | 2019 | Klug J | The role of H2O and CO2 in controlling trace element and storage/extraction conditions of rhyolitic magmas at Laguna del Maule, Chile. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin - Madison | |
88 | 2019 | Petryk B | The Origin of an Archean Batholith Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. | MS Thesis | Michigan Technological University | |
87 | 2018 | Chapman J | Orogenic evolution of the Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan. | PhD Dissertation | University of Arizona | |
86 | 2018 | Gevedon M | On the timing, fluid sources, and behavior of skarn formation: Lessons from oxygen isotopes in skarn garnets of the North American Mesozoic Cordilleran arc. | PhD Dissertation | The University of Texas at Austin | |
85 | 2018 | Gottlieb E | Geologic Insights from Zircon Inheritance. | PhD Dissertation | Stanford University | |
84 | 2018 | Huth T | Laminated soil carbonate rinds as a high resolution paleoclimate and paleoecologic proxy record. | PhD Dissertation | University of Utah | |
83 | 2018 | Pommer M | Biochemical and Chemical Controls On Sedimentation, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Diagenesis, In The Phosphoria Rock Complex. | PhD Dissertation | Colorado School of Mines | |
82 | 2018 | Batchelor C | A high-precision U-Th chronology of calcite deposition at Cave of the Mounds, Wisconsin, and its implications for climate and permafrost in the late Pleistocene. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin - Madison | |
81 | 2018 | Williams D | From sheets to blobs: the intial emplacement and evolution of a large, long-lived intrusion, the Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, Sierra Nevada, CA. | MS Thesis | California State University, Fullerton | |
80 | 2017 | Eddy M | High-resolution temporal records of magmatism, sedimentation, and faulting at evolving plate boundaries. | PhD Dissertation | MIT | |
79 | 2017 | Haroldson E | Protracted development of the Reef Deposit: an anomalous Au-Cu deposit in northern Wisconsin. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin | |
78 | 2017 | Linzmeier B | Cephalopod ecology inferred from high-resolution ion microprobe analyses of stable isotopes. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin | |
77 | 2017 | Louyakis A | Characterizing the molecular mechanisms contributing to biologically induced carbonate mineralization and thrombolite formation. | PhD Dissertation | University of Florida | |
76 | 2017 | Wycech J | Novel techniques and approaches to enhance the fidelity of foraminiferal paleoclimate records. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin | |
75 | 2017 | Cameron E | Genesis and alteration of inclusions in detrital Jack Hills zircons. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin | |
74 | 2017 | Homan E | Investigating causes of magmatic episodicity in the southern Coast Mountains batholith, British Columbia: insights from hafnium and oxygen isotopes in magmatic zircon. | MS Thesis | California State University, Northridge | |
73 | 2017 | Turnier R | Calibration of oxygen isotope fractionation and corundum-calcite thermometry in Emery at Naxos, Greece: In situ versus bulk analysis. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin | |
72 | 2016 | Beasley M | Seasonal precipitation at a 3.7Ma Australopithecus anamensis site, Allia Bay, Kenya. 261 p. | PhD Dissertation | UC-San Diego | |
71 | 2016 | Brodie M | Diagenesis & Reservoir Quality of the Middle Bakken Formation. | PhD Dissertation | University of Durham | |
70 | 2016 | Bucholz CE | Chemical, Isotopic, and Temporal Variations during Crustal Differentiation. | PhD Dissertation | MIT | |
69 | 2016 | Cross MS | New Insights into Great Basin Hydroclimate: Past and Present. | PhD Dissertation | University of Minnesota | |
68 | 2016 | Erdmann M | Felsic melts in the oceanic crust : an experimental study on their generation, phase equilibria, and trace element partitioning. | PhD Dissertation | University of Hannover | |
67 | 2016 | Kööp L | The Isotopic Evolution of the Early Solar System as Traced by Hibonite-rich Refractory Inclusions. | PhD Dissertation | University of Chicago | |
66 | 2016 | Mane P | Isotopic Investigations of Meteoritic Materials: From Earliest-Formed Solids to Planetary Bodies. | PhD Dissertation | Arizona State University | |
65 | 2016 | Seman S | The tectonostratigraphy of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit and new garnet geo/thermochronology techniques. | PhD Dissertation | University of Texas at Austin | |
64 | 2016 | Decker M | Triggering Mechanisms For A Magmatic Flare-Up Of The Lower Crust In Fiordland, New Zealand, From U-Pb Zircon Geochronology And O-Hf Zircon Geochemistry. 122 p. | MS Thesis | California State University Northridge | |
63 | 2016 | Denny A | Isotopically zoned carbonate cements in early Paleozoic Sandstones of the Illinois Basin: δ18O and δ13C Records of Burial and Fluid Flow. 273 p. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin | |
62 | 2016 | Dobbins JW | Structural analysis of spectacular late Eocene soft-sediment deformation in the lower Spears Group, Sawtooth Mountains, western New Mexico . | MS Thesis | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | |
61 | 2016 | Sendek C | Zircon Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Evolution of the Mount Givens Pluton, Central Sierra Nevada Batholith. | MS Thesis | San José State University | |
60 | 2016 | Shanks L | On the recurrence of enigmatic nannoplankton blooms in the subtropical south Atlantic during the early Oligocene. 78 p. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin | |
59 | 2015 | Blumenthal SA | Climate, ecology, and human evolution during the Plio-Pleistocene. | PhD Dissertation | The Graduate Center, City University of New | |
58 | 2015 | Cernuschi F | The Geology and Geochemistry of the Haquira East Porphyry Copper Deposit of Southern Peru : Insights on the Timing, Temperature and Lifespan of the Magmatic-hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralization. | PhD Dissertation | Oregon State University | |
57 | 2015 | Chritz KL | Isotopic records of ecological variability in modern and ancient environments in Kenya. | PhD Dissertation | University of Utah | |
56 | 2015 | Ishida H | Mineralogical and isotopic signatures of the primitive CV3 carbonaceous chondrite RBT 04143: Constraints on formation and early evolution of CV parent asteroids. | PhD Dissertation | Tohoku University | |
55 | 2015 | Lunning NG | Insights into planetesimal evolution: Petrological investigations of regolithic howardites and carbonaceous chondrite impact melts. | PhD Dissertation | University of Tennessee | |
54 | 2015 | Oerter E | Isotopic dynamics of C, O and U in soils and their relation to climate. | PhD Dissertation | Division of Ecosystem Science, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley | |
53 | 2015 | Suzuki K | Petrogenesis of granitoids in view of oxygen isotope ratio and trace element geochemistry in zircons. | PhD Dissertation | Tokyo Institute of Technology | |
52 | 2015 | Brown JE | Ion Microprobe δ18O-contraints on Fluid Mobility and Thermal Structure During Early Slip on a Low-angle Normal Fault, Chemehuevi Mountains, SE California. | MS Thesis | Ohio University |!etd.send_file?accession=ohiou1448361194&disposition=inline |
51 | 2015 | Cammack JN | SIMS microanalysis of the Strelley Pool Formation cherts and the implications for the secular-temporal oxygen-isotope trend of cherts. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
50 | 2015 | Hagan P | Internal Fabrics and Microbial Precipitation in the Stromatolites of Hamelin Pool, Western Australia. | MS Thesis | University of Miami | |
49 | 2015 | McDougal D | Equilibrated ordinary chondrite systematics from silicate intermineral oxygen three-isotopes. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
48 | 2015 | Cameron E | Extreme oxygen isotope zoning in garnet and zircon from metachert blocks in mélange reveals progressive metasomatism in subduction mélange, Catalina Island, CA. | BS Thesis | Oberlin College | |
47 | 2014 | Ankney M | Isotopic records of deep and shallow magmatic evolution of Mount Mazama, Crater Lake Oregon. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
46 | 2014 | Befus K | Storage, ascent, and emplacement of rhyolite lavas. | PhD Dissertation | University of Texas at Austin | |
45 | 2014 | Hertwig A | Genesis of jadeitites and their country rocks, Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic. 382 p. | PhD Dissertation | Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany | |
44 | 2014 | Ibanez-Mejia M | Timing and Rates of Precambrian Crustal Genesis and Deformation in Northern South America. 334 p. | PhD Dissertation | The University of Arizona | |
43 | 2014 | Williams CD | Early Solar System to Deep Mantle: The Geochemistry of Planetary Systems. | PhD Dissertation | Arizona State University | |
42 | 2014 | Cobb R | Secondary ion mass spectrometer geochemical analysis of secondary infilled areas in stylaster erubescens. | MS Thesis | University of Alabama | |
41 | 2013 | Bonamici CE | From grain to terrane: integrated geochemical and structural studies in granulites. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
40 | 2013 | Gerczak T | Understanding Ag Release from TRISO Fuel Through Surrogate Diffusion Experiments and Fuel Analysis. 198p. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin | |
39 | 2013 | Konstantinou A | Crustal evolution of the northeastern Basin and Range: insights from the structural and magmatic history of the Albion - Raft-River - Grouse-Creek metamorphic core complex. | PhD Dissertation | Stanford University | |
38 | 2013 | Mahar MA | In-situ, integrated U-Pb, Hf and O isotopic study of igneous, metamorphic and detrital zircons. Implications to crustal evolution and geodynamics. | PhD Dissertation | University of Texas-El Paso | |
37 | 2013 | Pollington AD | Stable isotope signatures of diagenesis: natural and experimental studies. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
36 | 2013 | Vetter L | Combined Stable Isotope and Trace Element Analyses on single planktic forminifer shells; Insights from live culture experiments. 182 p. | PhD Dissertation | UC-Davis | |
35 | 2013 | Blum TB | Oxygen isotope evolution of the Lake Owyhee volcanic field, Oregon, and implications for the evolution of the Snake River Plain-Yellowstone Low-δ18O large igneous province. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
34 | 2013 | Burstyn Y | Multi-decade to Seasonal Climate Change Recorded by Stable Isotope and Trace Element Variability in Modern Cave-waters and Calcite of Soreq Cave, Israel. | MS Thesis | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | |
33 | 2013 | Krans S | New Mineral Chemistry and Oxygen Isotopes from Alkaline Basalts in the Northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: Insights on Magma Genesis across Rifted Continental and Oceanic Lithosphere. | MS Thesis | Bowling Green State University | |
32 | 2012 | Coint Nolwenn | Assembly and evolution of the Wooley Creek Batholith: Evidence from mineral compositions and U-Pb geochronology. | PhD Dissertation | Texas Tech University | |
31 | 2012 | Kakazu Y | Origin and formation process of silica-rich rims in CR carbonaceous chondrites inferred from mineralogy, oxygen isotope rations, and rare earth element abundances. | PhD Dissertation | Tohoku University | |
30 | 2012 | Orland IJ | Seasonality from speleothems: high-resolution ion microprobe studies at Soreq Cave, Israel. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin - Madison | |
29 | 2012 | Errico J | Oxygen isotope evidence for interaction of Franciscan high-grade blocks in the mantle wedge with sediment-derived fluids, Ring Mountain and Jenner Beach, CA. | MS Thesis | University of Texas-Austin | |
28 | 2012 | Linzmeier BJ | Depth migratory behavior elucidated by Ion Microprobe analysis of δ18O within Nautilus macromphalus shell aragonite. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
27 | 2012 | Russell AK | Oxygen isotopes in garnet from eclogite: oxygen isotope geochemistry of the Bohemian Massif and zoning revealed by secondary ion mass spectrometry. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
26 | 2012 | Seligman AN | Generation of low δ18O silicic magmas, Bruneau-Jarbidge volcanic center, Yellowstone hotspot: Evidence from zircons, including oxygen isotopes, U-Th-Pb dating, and melt inclusions. | MS Thesis | Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Utah | |
25 | 2012 | Cunningham L | Ion microprobe analyses of δ18O in early quartz cements from 1.9 Ga granular iron formations. | BS Thesis | Oberlin College | |
24 | 2011 | Harwood J | The origin and timing of quartz cementation in reservoir sandstones : evidence from in-situ microanalysis of oxygen isotopes. | PhD Dissertation | Newcastle University, UK | |
23 | 2011 | Mathias D | Epidote in hydrous mafic magmas : near solidus phase relations in the lower crust. | PhD Dissertation | University of Lausanne | |
22 | 2011 | Sakamoto K | Isotope and element compositions of compound chondrules: Constraints on the timescale and circumstance of the envelope-type compound chondrule formation in the early solar system. | PhD Dissertation | Kyushu University | |
21 | 2011 | Quintero-Mendez RR | Oxygen isotope ratios in zircon and garnet: a record of magmatic processes and contamination history in the Dinkey Dome peraluminous granite, Sierra Nevada Batholith. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
20 | 2010 | Cohen P | Investigations of Enigmatic Neoproterozoic Eukaryotes. | PhD Dissertation | Harverd University | |
19 | 2010 | Gaschnig R | Age and petrogenesis of the Idaho batholith and implications for the basement architecture in the northern Rockies. | PhD Dissertation | Washington State University | |
18 | 2010 | Rividi N | Diagenesis and hydrothermalism of Archean oceanic sediments (3.5 Gyr, Dresser Fm., Pilbara Craton), A window on early terrestrial ecosystems. | PhD Dissertation | Institut De Physique Du Globe De Paris | |
17 | 2010 | Wanless D | Geology and Petrogenesis of Lavas From An Overlapping Spreading Center: 9°N East Pacific Rise. | PhD Dissertation | University of Florida-Gainesville | |
16 | 2010 | Huberty JM | Crystal orientation effects for analysis of δ18O in magnetite and hematite by SIMS. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
15 | 2010 | Ortiz-Cordero DM | Mineral inclusions in zircons: a tool for provenance analysis of sedimentary rocks. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
14 | 2010 | Smith KE | A geochemical and isotopic perspective on magma evolution 103-25 ka beneath Volcán de Santa María-Santiaguito, Guatemala. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
13 | 2009 | Greene SE | Geochemical and petrological constraints on the 1902 eruption of Volcán Santa María. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
12 | 2009 | Hilber MD | Tracking fluid/melt flow in lower crustal mafic gneiss using zircon isotopic zoning, Kapuskasing Uplift. | MS Thesis | University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 164 p | |
11 | 2009 | Trzaskus A | Polygonal faulting in 3D seismic reflection data of the Halten Terrace, Mid-Norwegian Sea. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
10 | 2009 | Cobb R | Rangia cuneta Shells as an Environmental Proxy. | BS Thesis | University of Alabama | |
9 | 2008 | Blondes MS | Single Eruption Temporal-Compositional Variation in Basalts. | PhD Dissertation | Yale University | |
8 | 2008 | Weidel B | Sources and regulators of energy supporting north temperate fishes. | PhD Dissertation | Dept of Limnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
7 | 2008 | Orland IJ | Climate deterioration in the eastern Mediterranean as revealed by ion microprobe analysis of a speleothem that grew from 2.2 to 0.9 ka in Soreq Cave, Israel. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
6 | 2007 | Lancaster PJ | Granitoid genesis in the Adirondack Mountains, NY state. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
5 | 2006 | Cathey, HE | Evolution of high-temperature, large-volume silicic magmas of the Miocene Yellowstone hotspot : the record of the Bruneau-Jarbidge eruptive center. | PhD Dissertation | University of Utah | |
4 | 2006 | Desbois G | Modélisation 3D de la diffusion atomique dans les minéraux : applications à l\'étude des isotopes de l\'hydrogène et de l\'oxygène, et du couple Al-Si. | PhD Dissertation | University of Toulouse 3- Toulouse, France | |
3 | 2006 | Kelly JL | Silcrete in the St. Peter sandstone. | MS Thesis | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
2 | 2005 | Cavosie AJ | Geochemistry of >3900 MA detrital zircons from Jack Hills, Western Australia. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
1 | 2005 | Lackey JS | The magmatic and alternation history of the Sierra Nevada batholith as recorded by oxygen isotope ratios of zircon, titanite, garnet, and quartz. | PhD Dissertation | University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
Year | Author | Thesis type | University |